If you would like to recommend any good information to be added to this web site, please share with us at inquiry@cbcsj.org

如果您想推薦其它好資訊來這網頁, 請與我們分享在 inquiry@cbcsj.org

圖書館 Library

Church library opens every Sunday.

月度日曆 Church Calendar

推介網站 Tools & Links

我們想與您分享一些網站和有用的工具, 好像網上聖經和聖經研究工具、讀物和其它基督徒組織。
We want to share with you some good Christian web sites and useful links, like online Bible and Bible study tools, reading material and other Christian organization.

講道重溫 Sermon MP3

您錯過了主日講道或想再傾聽牧師的講道嗎? 您可在講道重溫網頁下載講道錄音。
Did you miss a week or just want to listen to the pastor's sermon again? You can download the sermon recordings at the Sermon link above.